Women’ s Health Rights and Advocacy Partnership

Women’s Health and Rights Advocacy Partnership (WHRAP)

Advocating for quality health care and services

Every woman has the right to free quality health care during pregnancy, including childbirth and postpartum, and access to sexual and reproductive health programs. Likewise, free health care is to be given to newborn infants and children under five years of age as a public health responsibility of the State. (Source: Maternal and Child Health, World Health Organization)

To advocate for quality of maternal and child health care and services, SRKPS in partnership with SurakshitMatrutva (SuMa), Rajasthan White Ribbon Alliance is implementing the project in Jhunjhunu district, Rajasthan. The activities focus on engaging with local self-government and empowering local communities to care for mothers and children and improving local health system and services with a special emphasis on creating a platform for women to demand for quality health services. The project activities aim to improve access to and utilization of public and private healthcare services.


Our Reach

352 women participated in MahilaSamaad (Open house for women) and demanded quality health services at PHC and Sub Centres.

Women of 37 Gram Panchayat submitted proposals at Gram Sabha demanding strengthened health facilities and actions were taken by PRIs to fulfill the demand.

Service providers from 4 CHCs and 12 PHCs sensitized. Community partnership and ownership enhanced in Rajasthan Medicare Relief Society meetings resulting in availability of cleaner and hygienic health services decreasing chances of infection among mother and child.


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